by: Aurell P. Arais
Butuan City – To ensure sustainability of sub-projects of the Mindanao Rural Development Program Adaptable Program Loan 2 (MRDP-APL2) implemented on various local government units, the Regional Program Coordinating Office Monitoring and Evaluation Unit of the Department of Agriculture Regional Field Unit 13 conducted a series of Community Based Monitoring and Evaluation (CBMEG) training in several municipalities in Agusan del Sur.
The series of CBMEG trainings started in Esperanza, Agusan del Sur last March 4 and 5, 2009 held at Municipal Agricultural Training Center
The occasion was graced by the chief executive of the said municipality Honorable Leonida P. Manpatilan.
After Esperanza, the same training was conducted at Trento last last March 10 to 11 held at Hills View Inn Conference Room and followed by Bunawan last March 17 to 18, 2009 held at Kalahi Training Center.
Each CBMEG training were consist of two days and were jointly spearheaded by RPCO M&E Unit Head Rebecca R. Atega, Provincial Program Management and Implementing Unit (PPMIU) of Agusan del Sur headed by Engr. Cynthia Lumanta with PPMIU M&E Unit Head Edna Tongson and staff and the respective Municipal Program Management and Implementing Unit (MPMIU) with MPMIU M&E Unit.
Through CBMEG, the communities were empowered to participate on monitoring and evaluating the implementation of MRDP sub-projects on their locality and report their findings directly to the municipal level.
MRPDP has four sub-projects namely Investments for Governance Reform (IGR), Community Fund for Agricultural Development (CFAD), Natural Resources Management (NRM) and Rural Infrastructure (RI).
IGR aims to make more effective the devolution to complement the Local Government Code and further improve competitiveness of agricultural sector, RI focus on rehabilitation and construction of communal irrigation systems, farm to market roads, single lane bridges, potable water supplies an other agricultural infrastructure critical in enhancing farm productivity and access to markets, CFAD serves the disadvantaged sectors through livelihood projects to increase rural incomes and NRM mainstreams the protection and conservation of the environment.
Of the four components, majority of the LGU in Agusan del Sur who availed the program through a particular counter parting scheme embraced two subprojects such as CFAD and RI.
The series of CBMEG trainings serves as the output of the Training of Trainors (TOT) conducted through the Program Support Office based in Davao City last February 24 to 25 held at the Provincial Training Center, Patin-ay, Prosperidad, Agusan del Sur.
Similar CBMEG Trainings will be conducted in other municipalities and provinces in Caraga Region soon. (Aurell P. Arais/ rafid da caraga/Info Ace)