by: Aurell P. Arais
Butuan City - “Di tayo pahuhuli, kasama ninyo ko d’yan” (we should not be left out, count on me), these are the words uttered by Regional Executive Director Reinerio B. Belarmino, jr. in inspiring agricultural technologists to actively takes part of the rice self sufficiency target by the year 2013.
In response of the marching order of Agriculture Secretary Proseco J. Alcala to increase rice production so as the country will halt importing rice in 2013, Belarmino said that every stakeholders should do its part.
Belarmino was the guest of honor during the opening of the season-long Training on Trainers (TOT) on rice production of the Agricultural Training Institute (ATI) in Los Angeles, Butuan City recently.
RED Belarmino lauded ATI Caraga for conducting such training in which he said can greatly enhanced the knowledge of every participating agricultural technologists.
In turn, he challenged every participant to impart their knowledge and expertise to the farmers on their respective localities after they completed the season-long training.
“You are our partners, it is a big challenge for us” said Belarmino as he recognizes every local government units as collaborator towards food security.
He said there two major ways in attaining sufficiency in rice, one of which is increasing the hectarage planted with rice through expanding irrigated areas and increasing cropping index while the other one is increasing the yield through the use of high quality rice varieties and nutrient and water management.
He also gives emphasis on effective pest and disease management as he bared his plan to set up soon a Regional Crop Protection Center (RCPC) to focus on pest and disease management in the region.
Currently the sufficiency level on rice of the country ranged from 85 to 90 percent.
Meanwhile Training Project Officer Heracleo Paler of ATI said that the season-long TOT on rice production will run from period November 8, 2010 to March 18, 2011. (Aurell P. Arais/RAFID DA CARAGA)